Saturday, January 15, 2011

Happy 8 Months!

My Harper bug was 8 months old on the 14th!  She is growing up so fast and it makes me a little sad! 
Here are a few things she started doing over the past month.
-Crawling EVERYWHERE!!
-Pulling up and cruising on the furniture.
-She gets brave, let's go of furniture, and stands on her own for a few seconds.
-Wave and Clap
-Push away her baby food and beg for whatever we are eating.  She did try pancakes, noodles and small (I mean they were tiny) pieces of Chick-fil-a nuggets.
-She has mastered MaMa, Dada, and BaBa (bottle)

Happy 8 Months Harper!!!


Jeff, Sarah Ellen, and Beck said...

Yay Harper! I love this little cutie pie.

The Burleys said...

Such a pretty little girl!