Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Funny Pedicure Conversation

Ok, so here it is - All of the funny things Lani decided to say, while getting her pedicure....

~ As they were filling up her foot soaking tub in her mini massage chair - "My brother Dax likes to drink water out of the bath tub, but I won't let him drink this water."

~ As the lady is removing her current toe nail polish - "My daddy has to paint my toenails right now, because my mommy is just too fat to do it."

~ As the pedicure ladies are talking to each other in a foreign language - "Why do you talk like that and what are you saying?" I think we have all wanted to ask this question during a pedicure! The lady tries to tell her that she is Vietnamese and that she talks two languages. I'm just glad she thought my child was being cute!!

~Once again the pedicure ladies begin talking Vietnamese to one another and Lani says...."I can do that too! Uno, Dos, Tres", ....all the way to ten in Spanish! I really could have crawled under my massage chair.

~Lani talked the entire time! She loved her pedicure. She also asked a million questions, such as, Why did you turn off the water, Why did you scrub my toes, Why are you letting the toe scrubber float in the water, Why, Why, Why, Why..You get the point. She has decided that for her next pedicure, she is going to have orange polish and have tiger paws painted on her big toes:)


Laura said...

Funny! And I think I'd like a tiger paw pedi, too! Good idea Lani!

Kenya said...
