Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My Terrible, Horrible, No Good......

Very Bad Day!! Well the day started ok. Just the normal things. I had a meeting this morning and really thought a parent was going to show out. Well it ends up he has a big bark, but no bite. He actually told on himself, which is great for when we go to court. Well I was on my lunch break and decided to stop by my mom's office. She works for the hospital, but a few months ago, her department moved to a new location. Anyways, as I was leaving the parking lot, a strange women decides to block the gate and flag me down. HELLO ~ I'm not that brave. I pick up the phone and yell out loud..I'm calling the police. She continues walking towards my car motioning for me to roll down my window. Well she eventually got so close that I may have bumped her with the car. It was an accident - I PROMISE!!! She eventually got the messaged and continued walking towards the traffic light. I was not about to go that way. So I stay park in this "so safe" parking lot. I called my mom outside - I really dont' know what I was thinking she could do about the situation, but at least someone else was aware!!! Anyways a few minutes later a very nice suburban picked her up...I was able to escape. So on I go ~ I had an appointment to meet with a family I haven't seen in over a week. Well ~ No one was at home!!! So I called her. It was a mess. I had this terrible feeling that something wasn't right. I go to the office to talk about it. I was advised to lay eyes on the kids. Well just as I thought ~ Someone was trying to hide something...I wish I could go into more details...but can't do it...Ok so the outcome was terrible!!! And I have to do more of what I was doing today - tomorrow!!!! I know this all sounds crazy...but I can't say a whole lot about it. Well I call home to tell J that I'm still alive and Lani is on the phone saying ~ "Mommy come to my house - I miss you" I was so mad, because I wanted to be home so bad...Well I made it home and seeing those 2 cute faces took all my problems away. Jarod had even cooked supper and unloaded and loaded the dishwasher...He's the best!!!!!!