Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Morning Madness

On any normal day, Me, Lani and Dax are rushing to get out of the house, get to daycare and then to work. Jarod leaves while we are still asleep, but if either one of them is awake, he helps feed them or someting. There are lots of days that I think, I should get up earlier and it wouldn't be such a rush, but that never happens. However, one day I was up like 45 minutes earlier and still walked out of the door at the same time and still felt rushed. So if it's not going to make a difference, I prefer to sleep an extra 45 minutes. Well, Lani loves to sing! She sings her ABC's all of the time and her current favorite is , bringing home my baby bumble bee. Every morning on the way to daycare, she is the happiest thing and singing the entire way. Yesterday morning I enjoyed her version of Old McDonald. Lani decided that Old McDonald and BINGO were the same song. Here are her Lyrics...Old McFarmer had a pig, with an oink here and an oink there, BINGO was his name-O. I tried joining her to help her sing Old McDonald had a farm, but she continued with : Old McFarmer had a cow, B-I-N-G-O and Moo-moo was her name. She's a little confused, but it sounded so cute.


The McConnell Clan said...

That is too cute! I just love some of the stuff that comes out of toddlers mouths! It is priceless!