Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What am I going to do when she turns 13????

Well this morning my 2 YEAR OLD decides to argue with me about the clothes I put on her to wear to school. Well I take that back - it wasn't so much about the clothes, it had more to do with matching. Today I decided Lani was going to wear this super cute brown shirt and a pair of jeans. It all started with the shoes. Lani did not want to wear her Nike's, but her brown shoes to match her brown shirt. I gave in on this one, because it really did look better. What was I thinking?? As I am putting her pink jacket on her, Lani begins to slightly panic. Lani says that she can't wear that jacket, because her shirt is brown and she needs a brown coat. I explain that we don't have a brown coat and that she can wear her PINK jacket. (Lani loves pink and is usually very excited about the pink coat). Lani declares...I have to match, change my shirt, I need a pink one. We are already 10 minutes later than usual! Well we get out the door with the brown shirt and pink coat, but that's all we talk about on the way to school. Constantly coming from the back seat I hear, mommy pink and brown don't match, pink and pink match, I need a pink shirt. Bless Ms. Caroline's heart, I hope she doesn't have to listen to this all day. When we get to school I inform M.s Caroline about Lani's OCD matching phase, and she is not surprised. She tells me that at lunch time, her plate, fork and cup all have to match! I'm sure that when she is older, she is going to dislike her parents, becasue we are not going to be able to afford a matching coat for every outfit!!!


The McConnell Clan said...

So very cute! I have an OCD child too so I feel your pain! It is a battle every morning!