Saturday, November 8, 2008

*~Birthday Party~*

Dax doesn't turn one until Wednesday, but we decided to have his party today.
Hot Wheels Cake...

Dax's cake...Lani went to Publix with me this morning to pick up the cakes. They handed us this one and she asked me if it was hers. I told her no and that it is the cake Dax gets to dig through. Lani then clapped and siad yay, I get to dig through the big one.

Not a good time to play peek-a-boo. Yes, he was playing...


So Messy...
Dax had a great party!!!!! He received some great toys and outfits.


Amber said...

soo cute! my mama has pictures of my digging into my first birthday cake too! haha!

Anonymous said...

Emily Said...
I bet he was having so much fun digging into that cake...I know that I would be!!! :) He is just too cute!!!